Hog Watch Manitoba, PO Box 61082, Grant Park, Wpg. Mb R3M 3X8


More Hogs, More Problems

Letters: More hogs, more problems In response to the May 26 Co-operator article “Meat industry hits hard times” By John Fefchak Published: June 12, 2023

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Planet in peril article

Planet In Peril Friday, June 23, 2023 Title: Manitobans deserve transparency, not unsubstantiated environmental claims from their pork sector Source: planetinperil.ca Hog Watch Manitoba, a

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Pork should lead with values

Letters: Pork should lead with values By Ruth Pryzner Published: June 21, 2023 Source: manitobacooperator.ca In response to the May 2 Co-operator article, “Values lead

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Hog Watch Manitoba

PO Box 61082, Grant Park, Wpg. Mb R3M 3X8
