Hog Watch Manitoba

PO Box 61082, Grant Park

Winnipeg, Manitoba R3M 3X8

Write us : hogwatchmanitoba@gmail.com


Believe in our cause?
Want to contribute towards our work?

There are different ways to contribute to the cause for the ethical treatment of hogs in Manitoba. Hog Watch Manitoba is a small non-profit, so we appreciate any and all offers to help. We believe in community. 


If you’d like to contribute financially, you can do it by e-transfer or mail a cheque as follows.


To contribute via bank e-transfer, please email it to:



If you prefer to mail a cheque, please mail it to:

Hog Watch Manitoba

PO Box 61082 Grant Park

Winnipeg, Manitoba   R3M 3X8


Thank you to everyone who has contributed to our cause!

If you would like to become involved, send us an email!

*Hog Watch Manitoba is not a registered charity, therefore we are unable to issue tax receipts for any donations.