Hog Watch Manitoba, PO Box 61082, Grant Park, Wpg. Mb R3M 3X8

CITY NEWS: Animal Advocates Call to Stop Use of Gestation Stalls for Pigs in Manitoba Pork Industry


Ending the Cruel Confinement of Manitoba’s Hogs: A Call for Change

In a recent CityNews interview, Vicki Burns of Hog Watch Manitoba, Colleen Walker of The Little Red Barn Sanctuary and Kaitlyn Mitchell of Animal Justice shed light on the ongoing struggle to free Manitoba’s hogs from the cruelty of gestation crates. Despite industry promises to end this practice, thousands of sows remain confined to cramped cages, suffering for much of their lives.

The video includes powerful footage that may be difficult to watch, but it serves as an important reminder of the conditions these animals endure. It’s time to stand up for the humane treatment of animals by using our voice and our choices to demand better.

Watch the video and join us in calling for an end to gestation crates in Manitoba.

Click the image to be taken to the video on CityNews.ca: