Hog Watch Manitoba, PO Box 61082, Grant Park, Wpg. Mb R3M 3X8

Group calls for provincial government not to ease hog rules


Winnipeg Sun

Group calls for provincial government not to ease hog rules

By Joyanne Pursaga, Winnipeg Sun

First posted: Thursday, September 21, 2017 07:42 PM CDT | Updated: Thursday, September 21, 2017 08:35 PM CDT

A group that fears relaxed hog rules will heighten water pollution has united to fight against the proposed changes.

Members of the groups Hog Watch Manitoba, Organic Food Council of Manitoba, Save Lake Winnipeg Project and Wilderness Committee joined an agriculture professor Thursday to oppose portions of a “red tape reduction” bill introduced this spring.

The Manitoba Legislature has yet to pass the bill, which would remove a ban on spreading manure in the winter from the environment act (though the practice is still banned in other regulations) and scrap a requirement that hog manure be treated by anaerobic digesters before being spread on farm fields.

Read the whole article here.